ChatGPT Clone

This ChatGPT Clone showcases the integration of the ChatGPT API with a modern web development stack. It features TypeScript for strong typing, React for the user interface, and Next.js 13 for server-side rendering and static generation. Tailwind CSS is used for styling, while NextAuth with Firebase Auth handles user authentication. Data fetching is optimized with useSWR, and Firebase Admin is utilized for backend management.

ChatGPT Clone Showcase

Exploring Conversational AI with Modern Web Technologies

Welcome to the ChatGPT Clone, a demonstration of how the ChatGPT API can be integrated with contemporary web technologies. This project serves as an example of creating a conversational AI application using a modern web development stack.

Built With

  • ChatGPT API: The backbone of the conversational capabilities.
  • TypeScript: Adds strong typing to enhance code quality and scalability.
  • React & Next.js 13: Offers a robust framework for building user interfaces with server-side rendering.
  • Tailwind CSS: Provides a utility-first approach to styling.
  • NextAuth with Firebase Auth: Manages secure user authentication.
  • useSWR: Optimizes data fetching.
  • Firebase Admin: Handles backend operations efficiently.

Project Overview

This clone was created to demonstrate the practical application of various technologies in building a conversational AI tool. TypeScript and React form the core of the front-end development, providing a scalable and maintainable codebase. Next.js 13 enhances the application with efficient server-side rendering and static generation capabilities. Tailwind CSS allows for quick and responsive styling, while NextAuth and Firebase Auth ensure a secure authentication process. The project also showcases the use of useSWR for data fetching, and Firebase Admin for backend management.